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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 11/13/2023



Welcome to Tools Rule! We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy provides a comprehensive understanding of how we manage data when you use our iOS app "Tools Rule" We want to assure you that we do not collect, store, or utilize any personal information about you.


Information We Do Not Collect

Tools Rule is explicitly designed to respect your privacy, and as such, we do not collect any of the following information:

  • Personal Information: We neither request nor collect your name, email address, phone number, or any other personally identifiable information.

  • Location Data: We do not access, track, or store your device's location data.

  • Usage Information: We do not gather data on how you use the app or any interactions you have within the app.

  • Device Information: We do not collect any information about your device, including its make, model, operating system, or unique identifiers.

  • Third-Party Accounts: We do not request access to or collect information from your third-party accounts or services.

Data Security

While we do not collect any user data, we take data security seriously. Even though no personal information is collected, we have implemented reasonable measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.


Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may periodically update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our app or in privacy regulations. We recommend reviewing this policy occasionally. When changes are made, we will update the "Effective Date" at the beginning of the policy.

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